weight loss

Accountability will take you places


Sticking with a fitness program can be challenging for even the most dedicated types. One of the best strategies to hit your goals is to take ownership and be held accountable for your action (or inaction). 

Lean into your tribe

That means, for example, taking stock of how much you exercise and how far you have progressed towards your fitness goals. Then what? Many people find success by sharing details of each goal and your progress towards each it in a public way. 

Share openly 

It matters less how you go about it and more that you do it. Being authentic and vulnerable will help others provide encouragement and guidance. The key is to make the people in your life invested in your journey and progress. That’s because, when you tell people about your ambitions, they will usually be very supportive and will begin to actively seek out opportunities to help you thrive. For instance, if you’re trying to lose weight, your friend might offer to go for a walk a few times a week. 

A SMART endeavor 

Whatever the goal, at hand, you’ll need to follow some basic best practices to increase the chance of success. The SMART(Specific, Measurement, Realistic, Timely) system is popular because it works. This means you will need to define a goal like “Lose 10 pounds by June of this year with strength-training exercise 5 times a week and following a prescribed nutrition plan.” From here, check in with your accountability partners and share regular updates. 

Bottom line? If you set a health and fitness goal but keep it to yourself, there’s no skin in the game. You’re more likely to throw in the towel.  However, if you share the goal with friends, family, and colleagues, they will lend their support. So, make your fitness goals and your progress towards them public. It’s scary at first, but so then is the thought of staying the same!

5 things no one tells you about working out


If you’re new to fitness, making your foray into the scene can feel daunting for various reasons. What the heck is a rep? Cardio vs. weights? How do you do a burpee right? It’s like fitness has its own language and culture. Because it does!

In addition to this insider lingo, there are some truths that more seasoned exercisers take for granted. That said, I wanted to touch on a few of them:

1. You will be sore. A lot. When you first start lifting, it can be a rude awakening to your muscles. That’s because, every time you lift you’re creating micro-tears in the fibers. By definition, you’re putting stress on your body. Your bod responds in kind with (temporary) discomfort while it repairs the tiny tears and creates muscle mass.

2. You will start to feel “off” if you miss too many consecutive workouts. Just like eventually you won’t be as sore as the first day you started, your brain will adapt, too. That’s because, when you exercise, your system releases those feel-good hormones known as endorphins. Fall off the wagon for a few days or more and you might find your mood suffers. Because….science. Exercise makes our brains and bodies happy!

3. You’ll have laundry up the wazoo. Sports bra? Check. Legging? Check. Socks? Check? Tank top? Check. I used to do laundry once a week and now I’m on a twice-a-week schedule (or more) to stay on top of all the volume.

4. Results take time. You can’t fast-track fitness goals, despite what those IG influencers tell you. On average, it takes about 30 days for you to notice changes, another 30 days for friends and family, and 90 days for the world. Don’t give up. Consistency will never let you down, promise!

5. Enjoyment matters. There was a brief point in time I flirted with running. I did it because I thought it was going to produce the results I wanted. Boy was I wrong! Not only did I hate every second, it didn’t end up serving me. This is to say that enjoyment is an under-rated factor when it comes to program adherence. Whether it’s yoga, barre, pilates, swimming, strength training or some other activity, the best exercise is the one you’ll actually do.

Be realistic about your preferences and find a way to build a workout routine around movement that energizes you. That’s truly a recipe for success.

Why non-scale victories matter


If you’re recently pursued a lifestyle change with the intention of losing weight, you might be concerned about the number on the scale. While this is one metric, it doesn’t tell the whole story. (Plus, your value is not determined by your weight.) However, if you’re on a mission to get to a healthy weight, you might find value in my perspective, as someone who’s been in your shoes.

Non-scale victories — though maybe not as quantifiable — are wins in their own right. Consider the following alternative indicators of success:

  • You can walk up the stairs without losing your breath.

  • You make it through the day without having to take a nap or have another serving of caffeine.

  • You run into an old friend who hasn’t seen you and they comment that you look healthier and more fit.

  • You can keep up with your kids or grandkids when it might have been a chore before.

  • You no longer have to take prescribed blood pressure or diabetes medications.

  • Your blood work improves, and you lower the risk of developing preventable diseases.

  • You feel “off” when you go more than a few days without working out.

  • You develop a healthy glow.

  • You no longer have chronic aches and pains, especially during activities of daily living.

  • You can do more reps or increase weights at the gym.

  • That pair of “skinny” jeans fits without a struggle.

  • Your BMI goes from unhealthy to healthy.*

In short, the scale is one way to gauge progress, but don’t let it be the only one. *I should also mention that gaining muscle can certainly cause the number to be artificially inflated. That’s why BMI is not the only way to track progress. Muscle and fat and not created equally, after all. Interested in learning more about how you can safely and effectively lose weight? Email me to set up a free consultation.

Bodyweight training: The secret sauce?

Have you heard of bodyweight exercises? While resistance machines and free weights can get the job done, don’t eschew bodyweight exercises because you think they’re a waste of time. That’s actually a myth.


While you do need to lift something heavy in order to increase your strength, that weight doesn’t need to come from an external source. Your own bodyweight can get the job done!

Bodyweight exercises are strength training exercises that use your own weight to provide resistance against gravity. Here’s why you should consider adding these type of exercises to your routine:

Get more bang for your buck

High-output, bodyweight-based exercises can produce considerable fitness gains in very short workout durations. As there's no equipment involved, bodyweight workouts make it easy to move on to the next exercise and avoid lag time. Shorter rest times leave your heart rate elevated and you’ll burn more calories, which can help change body composition.

Cardio + strength pack a mean punch

Speaking of results, bodyweight exercises are efficient because you can enjoy cardio and strength in one quick workout. For example, a minute of burpees in between strength exercises will keep the heart pumping while still supporting muscle development.

Say goodbye to boredom

And last but not least, if you get bored easily, listen up! Adding extra reps, performing the exercises faster or super-slow, and perfecting form are a few ways to keep things interesting.

What’s your favorite bodyweight exercise?

The truth about body composition

Picture this: You get on the scale. You “gained weight” or maybe you “lost weight.” Before you get discouraged, remember there’s much more to this number than meets the eye.

Enter composition. Body composition takes into account a person’s fat mass and fat-free (lean) mass, which includes (muscle, bone, and water). Testing your body composition can be a great way to monitor and reach realistic health and fitness goals.

Let’s dive a little deeper here. You might want to “lose weight.” What does that really mean? The nitty-gritty matters. But when it comes to preventing morbidity and premature mortality, it’s actually more important to be fit than skinny.

In other words, maintaining or gaining lean muscle mass is just as or more important than losing fat. It’s said that strong is the new skinny and I agree with that statement. (Of course it’s possible and ideal to have both. I am not body shaming anyone who has trouble gaining fat or muscle.)


From a clinical standpoint, muscle is king. Experts agree that it’s important to have a healthy ratio of fat to muscle. Skeletal muscle and bone density help you perform daily activities and prevent bone loss. Not to mention muscle helps you burn more calories and can increase energy levels.

Of course there’s no magic bullet here. Physical activity, paired with a healthy diet, can help you lose weight and achieve and maintain a healthy body composition. Even moderate exercise—30 minutes most days of the week—can bring yield health benefits.

Interested in learning more? Set up a free consultation.

5 ways to push through a plateau


Plateaus are a normal part of one’s fitness journey. We may lose fat and/gain muscle one month only to lose momentum the next. While frustrating, they are minor setbacks in the big picture. And as one personal trainer argues in this blog, they can be a good thing! They just call for some creative thinking to overcome. Following are a few practical tips to push past a period of stagnation:

  1. Reassess: First, know that the scale is just one way to measure progress. Your weight can fluctuate for a whole host of reasons, and women are especially affected by ups and downs. Measurements and body composition can provide a more accurate look at where you stand. Don’t let the scale ruin your life!

    However, I can tell you (only speaking from experience) that weight loss/management is 80 percent diet. You can’t eat like crap and expect exceptional results from the gym. I challenge you to keep a food diary for a week and maybe you’ll notice patterns and areas to improve on.

  2. Switch it up: Have you been focusing on cardio? Mainly strength training? Your body gets acclimated to a certain way of training over time, so it’s important to mix up your exercise program every 6-8 weeks. So don’t be afraid to try that yoga or water aerobics class. It just might be the nudge your body needs!

  3. Scale back: It is possible to workout too much. Your body can react adversely and hold on to fat. Sometimes taking an extra day off and devoting it to self-care can be good for you in the long run.

  4. Reflect: Attitude is powerful. You may feel discouraged, but don’t forget to relish in your accomplishments. Perspective is everything. You might not have lost fat, but at least you didn’t regress! That alone is something to celebrate.

  5. Let go: Obsessing over every indiscretion or missed workout will not serve you. In fact, stress can wreak havoc on your body and sabotage progress. So relax. You’re doing a great job!

Getting started: How to begin (and stick) to a fitness regimen

I hear (some variation of) it often: “I’m so out of shape, I don’t even know where to begin.”

It’s a valid concern, as getting back in shape can be grueling. But anything worth doing takes effort. You can, however, set yourself up for success with some of my favorite hacks:

1) Find a buddy: Do you have a friend who’s equally committed to a change? Hold each other accountable. You don’t necessarily have to workout together, but it helps if you have someone who checks in from time to time.

2) Set realistic and small goals: Say you want to lose 50 pounds. A safe rate of weight loss is 2 pounds a week. So that said, allow yourself at least 6 months to attain your goal. Further break the goal down into smaller units, like 10 pounds. This way you can manage your expectations and feel accomplished with each milestone. And don’t be afraid to celebrate even the smallest of victories!


3) Schedule it: Just like you schedule a haircut or a coffee date, you should carve out some time on your calendar for workouts. If it’s not scheduled, you’ll likely find an excuse. So put that planner or calendar app to use!

4) Make it fun: Some people find they’re more motivated when they have new fitness attire. So don’t be afraid to invest in a few staples so you can look as good as you’ll feel.

5) Get expert help: A certified personal trainer can help you maximize your impact at the gym. He or she knows how to get results with a custom and targeted plan.

How I did it: My fitness journey

I wrote this post last summer for another platform and am sharing it here, as it answers a lot of frequently asked questions.

"Journey: an act of traveling from one place to another.”

People can go on various journeys in a lifetime. For me, it was one 5 years in the making—going from unhealthy, obese and self-conscious to one where I am happy, healthy and comfortable in my own skin. It could be said that the 55 pounds (and 15% percent body fat) I’ve shed are the byproduct of my hard work and dedication over the past few years.

When I first set out to “lose weight,” in 2013, it was a crusade driven in part by my genetic predisposition. I knew diabetes and heart disease didn’t have to be my destiny. (Both of my maternal grandparents died of heart disease.) I also was obese and not happy in my own skin. I wanted better for myself. So, with the support of my family and friends, I made the first step that would turn into a 5-year quest for improved health.

Me, at my heaviest

Me, at my heaviest

Today, when people hear about my commitment to health and fitness (and subsequent weight loss), they often ask: “So, how did you do it?”

I believe it comes down to the following factors. (Spoiler alert: some are unpleasant truths):

1) Sacrifice: You will undoubtedly have to give up some things to make space for your commitment to yourself. Some might even call you selfish and question your motives. It can be a lonely journey at times, but the rewards are worth it. I’ve had to make some tough choices about how I spend my time, but you should know that you should never have to justify putting your health first.

2) Grace: In the last 5 years I’ve experienced some great sadness and grief. (Both my father and father in law died in a year’s time, among other things.) There were times I wanted to throw in the towel, because I was so spent emotionally. And sometimes I didn’t feel like working out or cooking. So I didn’t. Give yourself permission to take a break and then get back on the wagon when the timing is right. The gym will be there.

Also, the trajectory is never a straight line. I’ve had weeks where my diet was off and my workouts fell to the back burner. I’ve been so close to a goal only to regress. What matters is that you recommit to yourself and your goals.

I’ve also had my share of chronic health problems that were undiagnosed until about two years ago and stymying my progress. (Hello, hypothyroidism.) Side note: you have to be your own advocate in the healthcare space.


3) Joy: I tell my clients that among the single most important predictors of adherence to an exercise program is enjoyment. Do you like to run? Are weights your thing? How about group classes? Whatever it is, you have to enjoy it or else you’re essentially sabotaging yourself and you won’t get results. I had a brief period when I was trying to run — it actually worked against me. I hated it and my body started to hold onto fat. It was very discouraging. Once I cut back on the cardio and committed to a strength training regimen, I saw the greatest results. Every body is different. You have to find what brings you joy and gets you results.

4) Consistency: Change does not occur overnight. It can take months or even years to reach a goal. (I know this firsthand.) But committing to something, no matter how seemingly modest or insignificant, can yield great results. Think of the tortoise and the hare. While it took a multi-year commitment to get where I am today, I am better for it. There’s no magic pill that can substitute for a sensible diet and adequate exercise. (I want to scream this from the mountaintops!)

5) Community: Find your tribe. When I first re-committed to consistent exercise, I found kickboxing and it proved to be a great outlet for me in more ways than one. I met a great group of women with similar goals. I found a way to improve my health, boost confidence and learn a few self-defense moves at the same time. Whether it’s a friend who serves as an accountability buddy or a personal trainer, it’s been proven that people are more successful when they have someone else behind them.

I hope my story was helpful. I did it. And so can you.

Me, in August 2018

Me, in August 2018

I tried intermittent fasting for 3 weeks and here’s what happened....

I should begin this post with a disclaimer and a few caveats. I am neither a clinical professional nor a dietitian, so this information should not be interpreted as medical advice. I am simply sharing my experience.

OK, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the fun part. I tried intermittent fasting (henceforth referred to as IF) upon the recommendation of my physician Dr. Veerula of Fort Wayne Integrative Medicine. (Side note: if you’re looking for an MD, he’s your guy.) He had told me about a host of benefits associated with IF, including fat loss, improved mental clarity and slowing down the aging process. I had hit a plateau with my weight, in addition to experiencing some other symptoms. I figured I had nothing to lose, as this program costs no money and is both flexible and simple, as Cynthia Thurlow explains in her TEDx Talk.

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So I set out to try IF for three weeks leading up to my birthday. Here are the ground rules I followed (mostly):

  • Consumed all food and drink only during an 8-hour window (mainly 12:30p -8:30p) and fasted for 16 hours

  • Drank my usual 90 ounces of water (plus unsweetened coffee and tea)

If I could distill my IF experience so far into 3 points it would be these:

  1. I was less hungry. It was a bit of a transition for the first few days, but once I got past that I felt less hungry and my blood sugar seemed to be better regulated. Overall I believe I consumed fewer calories because I had a narrower window of time in which to eat. I did lose a pound of fat and about .33 percent in body fat. 

  2. I was more mindful about what I ate. Staying on track required me to plan more in advance than I had in the recent past. With only 8 hours to consume 3 meals, I found myself being more strategic about what I ate and when.

  3. My workouts didn’t suffer. In general I worked out in a fasted state. I didn’t notice any difference in my performance. I didn’t feel dizzy or weak. I did try to be intentional with my dinner if I had a workout in the morning. These were the times when I’d eat a more carb-heavy meal the evening before so I could bun through a quick source of energy the next day. 

In general, IF was fairly easy to integrate into my life. But like any lifestyle change, it requires foresight and sacrifice. I plan to continue eating this way, at least during the week. 

If you have tried IF, I’m anxious to hear about your experience. Share your comments below.