everyday fitness

5 things no one tells you about working out


If you’re new to fitness, making your foray into the scene can feel daunting for various reasons. What the heck is a rep? Cardio vs. weights? How do you do a burpee right? It’s like fitness has its own language and culture. Because it does!

In addition to this insider lingo, there are some truths that more seasoned exercisers take for granted. That said, I wanted to touch on a few of them:

1. You will be sore. A lot. When you first start lifting, it can be a rude awakening to your muscles. That’s because, every time you lift you’re creating micro-tears in the fibers. By definition, you’re putting stress on your body. Your bod responds in kind with (temporary) discomfort while it repairs the tiny tears and creates muscle mass.

2. You will start to feel “off” if you miss too many consecutive workouts. Just like eventually you won’t be as sore as the first day you started, your brain will adapt, too. That’s because, when you exercise, your system releases those feel-good hormones known as endorphins. Fall off the wagon for a few days or more and you might find your mood suffers. Because….science. Exercise makes our brains and bodies happy!

3. You’ll have laundry up the wazoo. Sports bra? Check. Legging? Check. Socks? Check? Tank top? Check. I used to do laundry once a week and now I’m on a twice-a-week schedule (or more) to stay on top of all the volume.

4. Results take time. You can’t fast-track fitness goals, despite what those IG influencers tell you. On average, it takes about 30 days for you to notice changes, another 30 days for friends and family, and 90 days for the world. Don’t give up. Consistency will never let you down, promise!

5. Enjoyment matters. There was a brief point in time I flirted with running. I did it because I thought it was going to produce the results I wanted. Boy was I wrong! Not only did I hate every second, it didn’t end up serving me. This is to say that enjoyment is an under-rated factor when it comes to program adherence. Whether it’s yoga, barre, pilates, swimming, strength training or some other activity, the best exercise is the one you’ll actually do.

Be realistic about your preferences and find a way to build a workout routine around movement that energizes you. That’s truly a recipe for success.

More reasons to work on your core


There’s much more to a strong core than the coveted six pack. And while many people associate the core with the abdominal muscles, they only make up part of this region. The core is composed of muscles in your pelvis; lower back, hips and abdomen. As you can imagine, the core is the body’s center of power and therefore its condition matters more than you might have considered. Let’s look at some of the everyday benefits of a strong core that go beyond the skin deep.

Your lower back will thank you.

When core strength improves so does your lower back. Pain and discomfort in this area can actually be a sign of a weak core (among other things). Weightlifting is another consideration. You need a strong center of gravity to lift heavy things in a safe manner. A strong core protects your back muscles, boosts stability and can reduce your risk of injury. Any new mom will tell you that this comes handy when picking up an infant!

Perform at your best in sports.

Want to improve that PR? Train your core. Your core muscles keep your torso upright when you run and allows the muscles, bones and joints to work together more smoothly. Because your arms and legs are all connected to your trunk, core strength can drive performance. That’s why runners need to do more than run to prepare for a race. The same goes for other sports, like tennis, golf, biking, etc. Ever watch a pro golfer in action? He or she relies a lot on the core muscles to swing.

Complete chores and hobbies with ease.

Routine housework like vacuuming depends on a strong torso. The same goes for gardening and even riding a bike. All of these tasks require some amount of core strength, stability and balance.

Sit up straighter.

Weak core muscles can make you more prone to slouching. Good posture, on the other hand, trims your physique and can signal confidence. More importantly, good posture is gentle on the spine and creates space for deeper breathing.

What are your favorite core exercises? Don’t forget you don’t need any equipment to work this muscle group!

Want to be happier and more productive? Hit the gym!


Do you feel like life is crazybusy right now? You're not alone. It seems everyone feels stretched thin these days. What’s the secret to feeling less frazzled?

Hit the gym! No matter how frantic you're feeling, regular trips to the gym can do your body, mind and soul some good. How can adding another thing to your to do list help? Believe me when I say it can!

The science: Physical activity releases chemicals in the brain (read: endorphins) that help you feel good. People who experience endorphins on a regular basis are more likely to stay motivated at home and work long after the workout is complete.

The possibilities in your personal and professional life are endless when you’re feeling more energetic and confident. It’s proven that people who exercise regularly are more productive.

Sometimes a stressed out person just needs something to concentrate on that doesn’t involve thinking about obligations. Just the act of scheduling a gym sesh can give one a feeling of accomplishment.

When it's workout time, focus on the great feeling of moving your body and pushing yourself to your limit. You may find that at the end of it, your mind is a clean state — or at least a little less cluttered. A little distraction from the day-to-day mundane can be a nice thing.

Physical activity is also a great way to It’s only natural that people sleep more soundly afterwards. Certainly we can all appreciate the feeling of a solid night’s sleep at the end of a long day.

What are you waiting for? Pull out that calendar and carve out some time for you. You won't regret it.

Fit on the road: How to stay on track


This topic is top of mind, as I will be traveling this week. If your job or lifestyle requires you to be on the road (or in an airplane) a lot, you might find it challenging to maintain a consistent workout schedule. But you don't have to sacrifice your fitness. It just calls for some forethought. Here’s how you can stay on track on the road.

First off, do your research about amenities. Know that many hotels have gyms on-site. They usually have the basics and some are even equipped with machines and apparatuses. If you’re not staying in a hotel, you might have to get more creative. Here are a few of my go-to activities:

Walk: Walking is a great low-impact activity and it doesn’t require any equipment! Make it a point to walk for at least 30 minutes at a moderate pace to get your heart rate up.

Stretch: Put simply, stretching does the body good. And just like with walking, it’s easy to integrate into your routine. While not strenuous, stretching boosts a myriad of benefits that can help you in your overall fitness regimen. Try this sequence from Health to prepare your body for a flight.

Get on the “band”-wagon: A resistance band is versatile and takes up little to no space in your bag! Keep up your strength-training routine on the road with these 20 total-body exercises.

If you travel often, how do you take your workout on the road?