
Naughty or nice?


The holidays are right around the corner. Erratic schedules and overindulgences during the Most Wonderful Time of the Year can take their toll on the body. But you don’t have to feel powerless. In fact, the opposite is true. It is possible to stay (mostly) on track and not feel in control even when we’re feeling more naughty than nice. Here are a few tips:

Know that every workout counts, no matter how short. Do you have a busy few days ahead of you? Can you carve out 20 minutes for an ab workout? Even if you have to do abbreviated versions of your workout, it’s still a win.

Give yourself some grace. If you know that fitness may get pushed to the back burner, it’s OK to be honest with yourself and acknowledge that. I find that keeping my diet in check helps my mindset if my workouts are limited.

Make it fun. This time of year there are many themed races. You can walk or run while getting energized in a group setting. Plus, it’s fresh air and that’s never a bad idea.

Celebrate small victories. When life gets crazy sometimes we have to appreciate the little things. Two workouts in a week are better than not at all. Don’t lose sight of your progress.

Adapt. If you’re out of town and don’t have access to a gym, there are plenty of bodyweight workouts you can do on the fly. No equipment needed!

Up the ante on accountability. Sometimes we need an external force to help us through when motivation is lacking. Don’t forget about my small group training sessions. Offered on demand, this 60-minute total body workout incorporates strength training, light cardio and abs. This class is suitable for healthy active adults and can be adapted depending on the skill and fitness level of participants. All sessions are by appointment only and offered in a semi-private facility at Absolute Results Southwest, 4126 Engleton Drive. Email me to get the conversation started!

Want to be happier and more productive? Hit the gym!


Do you feel like life is crazybusy right now? You're not alone. It seems everyone feels stretched thin these days. What’s the secret to feeling less frazzled?

Hit the gym! No matter how frantic you're feeling, regular trips to the gym can do your body, mind and soul some good. How can adding another thing to your to do list help? Believe me when I say it can!

The science: Physical activity releases chemicals in the brain (read: endorphins) that help you feel good. People who experience endorphins on a regular basis are more likely to stay motivated at home and work long after the workout is complete.

The possibilities in your personal and professional life are endless when you’re feeling more energetic and confident. It’s proven that people who exercise regularly are more productive.

Sometimes a stressed out person just needs something to concentrate on that doesn’t involve thinking about obligations. Just the act of scheduling a gym sesh can give one a feeling of accomplishment.

When it's workout time, focus on the great feeling of moving your body and pushing yourself to your limit. You may find that at the end of it, your mind is a clean state — or at least a little less cluttered. A little distraction from the day-to-day mundane can be a nice thing.

Physical activity is also a great way to It’s only natural that people sleep more soundly afterwards. Certainly we can all appreciate the feeling of a solid night’s sleep at the end of a long day.

What are you waiting for? Pull out that calendar and carve out some time for you. You won't regret it.

5 ways to push through a plateau


Plateaus are a normal part of one’s fitness journey. We may lose fat and/gain muscle one month only to lose momentum the next. While frustrating, they are minor setbacks in the big picture. And as one personal trainer argues in this blog, they can be a good thing! They just call for some creative thinking to overcome. Following are a few practical tips to push past a period of stagnation:

  1. Reassess: First, know that the scale is just one way to measure progress. Your weight can fluctuate for a whole host of reasons, and women are especially affected by ups and downs. Measurements and body composition can provide a more accurate look at where you stand. Don’t let the scale ruin your life!

    However, I can tell you (only speaking from experience) that weight loss/management is 80 percent diet. You can’t eat like crap and expect exceptional results from the gym. I challenge you to keep a food diary for a week and maybe you’ll notice patterns and areas to improve on.

  2. Switch it up: Have you been focusing on cardio? Mainly strength training? Your body gets acclimated to a certain way of training over time, so it’s important to mix up your exercise program every 6-8 weeks. So don’t be afraid to try that yoga or water aerobics class. It just might be the nudge your body needs!

  3. Scale back: It is possible to workout too much. Your body can react adversely and hold on to fat. Sometimes taking an extra day off and devoting it to self-care can be good for you in the long run.

  4. Reflect: Attitude is powerful. You may feel discouraged, but don’t forget to relish in your accomplishments. Perspective is everything. You might not have lost fat, but at least you didn’t regress! That alone is something to celebrate.

  5. Let go: Obsessing over every indiscretion or missed workout will not serve you. In fact, stress can wreak havoc on your body and sabotage progress. So relax. You’re doing a great job!

Getting started: How to begin (and stick) to a fitness regimen

I hear (some variation of) it often: “I’m so out of shape, I don’t even know where to begin.”

It’s a valid concern, as getting back in shape can be grueling. But anything worth doing takes effort. You can, however, set yourself up for success with some of my favorite hacks:

1) Find a buddy: Do you have a friend who’s equally committed to a change? Hold each other accountable. You don’t necessarily have to workout together, but it helps if you have someone who checks in from time to time.

2) Set realistic and small goals: Say you want to lose 50 pounds. A safe rate of weight loss is 2 pounds a week. So that said, allow yourself at least 6 months to attain your goal. Further break the goal down into smaller units, like 10 pounds. This way you can manage your expectations and feel accomplished with each milestone. And don’t be afraid to celebrate even the smallest of victories!


3) Schedule it: Just like you schedule a haircut or a coffee date, you should carve out some time on your calendar for workouts. If it’s not scheduled, you’ll likely find an excuse. So put that planner or calendar app to use!

4) Make it fun: Some people find they’re more motivated when they have new fitness attire. So don’t be afraid to invest in a few staples so you can look as good as you’ll feel.

5) Get expert help: A certified personal trainer can help you maximize your impact at the gym. He or she knows how to get results with a custom and targeted plan.