Want to be happier and more productive? Hit the gym!


Do you feel like life is crazybusy right now? You're not alone. It seems everyone feels stretched thin these days. What’s the secret to feeling less frazzled?

Hit the gym! No matter how frantic you're feeling, regular trips to the gym can do your body, mind and soul some good. How can adding another thing to your to do list help? Believe me when I say it can!

The science: Physical activity releases chemicals in the brain (read: endorphins) that help you feel good. People who experience endorphins on a regular basis are more likely to stay motivated at home and work long after the workout is complete.

The possibilities in your personal and professional life are endless when you’re feeling more energetic and confident. It’s proven that people who exercise regularly are more productive.

Sometimes a stressed out person just needs something to concentrate on that doesn’t involve thinking about obligations. Just the act of scheduling a gym sesh can give one a feeling of accomplishment.

When it's workout time, focus on the great feeling of moving your body and pushing yourself to your limit. You may find that at the end of it, your mind is a clean state — or at least a little less cluttered. A little distraction from the day-to-day mundane can be a nice thing.

Physical activity is also a great way to It’s only natural that people sleep more soundly afterwards. Certainly we can all appreciate the feeling of a solid night’s sleep at the end of a long day.

What are you waiting for? Pull out that calendar and carve out some time for you. You won't regret it.