What’s your relationship with movement? It’s easy to fall into an “all-or-nothing trap.” What good is a workout if it’s not at least an hour or you’re not dripping in sweat at the end? What if I told you that “workout snacks” could enhance your quality of life and overall fitness?
Don’t discount the power of burst training when you're low on time. Here are a few real-life examples:
Do 10 burpees
Run around the yard with your dog
Play a game of tag with your kid
Take the stairs
Have an impromptu dance party between Zoom calls
Jump rope to failure
And now for the million-dollar question: how much do you need to exert yourself to get results? If you can speak comfortably but can’t quite carry a tune, that's considered "moderate." If you can only speak a few words, or none at all, that's how you know you've hit the “vigorous” territory.
Not up for something that gets your heart racing? That’s OK. An abbreviated and toned-down workout still promotes cardiac health.
Interested in learning more about how fitness can fit into your life? Contact me for a free consultation.