weight loss

Got Three Minutes? You've Got Time to Workout

What’s your relationship with movement? It’s easy to fall into an “all-or-nothing trap.” What good is a workout if it’s not at least an hour or you’re not dripping in sweat at the end? What if I told you that “workout snacks” could enhance your quality of life and overall fitness?

Don’t discount the power of burst training when you're low on time. Here are a few real-life examples:

  • Do 10 burpees

  • Run around the yard with your dog

  • Play a game of tag with your kid

  • Take the stairs

  • Have an impromptu dance party between Zoom calls

  • Jump rope to failure

And now for the million-dollar question: how much do you need to exert yourself to get results? If you can speak comfortably but can’t quite carry a tune, that's considered "moderate." If you can only speak a few words, or none at all, that's how you know you've hit the “vigorous” territory.

Not up for something that gets your heart racing? That’s OK. An abbreviated and toned-down workout still promotes cardiac health.

Interested in learning more about how fitness can fit into your life? Contact me for a free consultation.

Why non-scale victories matter


If you’re recently pursued a lifestyle change with the intention of losing weight, you might be concerned about the number on the scale. While this is one metric, it doesn’t tell the whole story. (Plus, your value is not determined by your weight.) However, if you’re on a mission to get to a healthy weight, you might find value in my perspective, as someone who’s been in your shoes.

Non-scale victories — though maybe not as quantifiable — are wins in their own right. Consider the following alternative indicators of success:

  • You can walk up the stairs without losing your breath.

  • You make it through the day without having to take a nap or have another serving of caffeine.

  • You run into an old friend who hasn’t seen you and they comment that you look healthier and more fit.

  • You can keep up with your kids or grandkids when it might have been a chore before.

  • You no longer have to take prescribed blood pressure or diabetes medications.

  • Your blood work improves, and you lower the risk of developing preventable diseases.

  • You feel “off” when you go more than a few days without working out.

  • You develop a healthy glow.

  • You no longer have chronic aches and pains, especially during activities of daily living.

  • You can do more reps or increase weights at the gym.

  • That pair of “skinny” jeans fits without a struggle.

  • Your BMI goes from unhealthy to healthy.*

In short, the scale is one way to gauge progress, but don’t let it be the only one. *I should also mention that gaining muscle can certainly cause the number to be artificially inflated. That’s why BMI is not the only way to track progress. Muscle and fat and not created equally, after all. Interested in learning more about how you can safely and effectively lose weight? Email me to set up a free consultation.

Don't let the haters get you down



Yuck! You might encounter them at work or in your personal life. What happens when someone tries to rain on your parade when it comes to your lifestyle changes?

This static can come as passive-aggressive comments to full-blown skepticism about why you’re even on the path in the first place. Trust me, I have been there and it’s not pretty.

So what’s a guy or gal to do? Here’s how to tune out the criticism and stay true to your goals.

Know your priorities

Everyone has their own set of values and sometimes they are at odds with other people’s. That’s OK. Knowing who you are and what you stand for can help you stay centered even when facing skepticism.


If you’re met with some tension or resentment about your regimen, change the subject. You don’t have owe anyone an explanation. You can be direct without being rude.


If you feel like you have to justify your commitment to your health to certain people over and over again, it may be time to re-think those relationships. While this may be the last resort, know it’s an option. Your mental health will thank you!

Seek community

When I first started my lifestyle change I found a great support system at the gym through a kickboxing class. Find your tribe and you’ll feel more empowered and more equipped to achieve your goals.

You should know that setting goals is bold and brave. So be courageous and don’t let the haters get you down!