You’re likely familiar with the axiom “mind over matter.” It’s more than a catchphrase — it can be the ticket to achieving your fitness goals. When was the last time you considered your thought patterns and whether they’re helping or hindering you? That said, here’s a look at how you can harness the power of positive thinking to get to your destination faster.
1. Check your self-talk. You know that little voice that can sometimes be not so kind? When the saboteurs strike, try to reframe those thoughts into something constructive. For example, “I always eat too much” can be changed to, “In the past, I’ve often eaten too much. Now, I’m more mindful about my choices” Then pat yourself on the back for being kind to yourself — and repeat.
2. Celebrate wins. When you’re tempted to ruminate on your shortcomings, instead change your mindset and be loving toward yourself (and others). For example, maybe you didn’t workout 5 days last week like you had intended, but you tried a new workout. That’s still an accomplishment to be celebrated. Also, don’t let guilt (or living in the past) keep you from propelling forward or hitting a plateau. Stop dwelling on old failures. They are in the past — not your current reality. Remind yourself that this time you’re going to hit your goals — and believe it!
3. Don’t get caught up in the comparison game. There will always be someone fitter, leaner, etc. than you, but they’re on their own journey and it doesn’t concern you. Be careful not to get fixated on the surface level and compare yourself to another. You don’t know their struggles, sacrifices and what they’ve overcome to get there. (This is a lesson I had to learn the hard way).
The mind is a powerful thing. Use it to your advantage!