In these uncertain times especially, many are taking extra precautions to boost immunity and peace of mind at the same time. Here’s a look at a few simple habits that can pack a mean punch when it comes to proactive measures:
While I can’t speak to specifics — as it’s outside of my domain — I can address the topic in general terms. A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides the fiber that makes the good bacteria in your gut happy. As science advances and we know that the gut is the second brain, you can’t underestimate the power of gut health to keep us physically and mentally well.
Shut-eye is underrated, in a society that tends to value productivity over rest. Poor quality or too little sleep make you more susceptible to getting sick. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick. Every body is different but most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep to feel and perform at their best.
Exercise is a friend in the immunity department, too. While the relationship is still being studied, we do know that exercise boosts the production of white blood cells. These are the body’s first line of defense against sickness.
You don’t have to engage in a sweat-dripping HIIT routine to benefit, either. Studies show that a 20-minute walk 5 days a week can help immune function.
Stress Management
We all deal with some amount of stress on a daily basis. How you respond to such triggers can either help or hinder your health. Stress can decrease the number of white blood cells in your body, which means your immune system is not performing optimally.
Of course, it should be said that there’s no substitute for heading health professionals' recommendations, including wearing a mask, social distancing and regular handwashing. Still, these extra measures can’t hurt. Here's to your health!