Make your comeback

Life happens. Sometimes we’re pulled in different directions and have to take a break from our workout routine for whatever reason. We all have peaks and valleys in fitness (and life — trust me. It doesn’t matter how long you’re out of the game   — what matters is you recommit. I am writing with some advice to do just that.


Come up with a plan and stick to it. If it’s been a while since you’ve worked out, you may need some extra accountability. That could mean putting workouts on your calendar, electronic or otherwise. You might even consider asking friends and family to check in on your progress.

Go slow and steady. A strenuous workout after a period of being sedentary can be a shock to your system. When coming back, take care to be conscientious about your level of exertion and the length of the sessions. You don’t want to overdo it, get injured and then get discouraged. On that note, be sure you’re stretching after a workout and building in time in your routine for recovery. Foam rolling, hot baths, chiropractic, massage are all great ways to address and prevent aches and pains. 

Tune in. Listen to your body. Maybe a high-intensity cardio or strength training workout isn’t what you need right now. Maybe you need a restorative yoga class instead. Movement is movement!

Track progress. How will you know if you’re getting back to your baseline? Apps can help you record your workouts so you can compare and contrast data and feel a sense of accomplishment.. As the saying goes, you can’t control what you can’t measure. 

Celebrate small victories. How you define wins will be up to you, but don’t forget to stop and acknowledge the work you’ve put in. You rock!

Remember, sometimes the comeback is greater than the setback!