You might be wondering why you should invest in personal training. Why spend the money when you can go it alone? Of course I’m biased, but after working out with trainers for years I can ensure you the progress and ROI was significant. Here’s a look at a few of the benefits of making the commitment:
Accountability: Sometimes motivation is lacking and you need someone to encourage you to get through the workout. He or she might check in with you periodically outside of workouts to ensure you’re staying on track. While friends and family can hold us accountable, a third-party can be better suited to hold you to your word because they’re unbiased.
Knowledge/Expertise: Although not required in the state of Indiana, a trainer has pursued a certification and/or in some cases an undergraduate and graduate degree. In other words, they have amassed knowledge around evidence-based research and know how to put it into practice.
Faster Results: Trainers know how to design custom programs with the client’s goals in mind. When you’re new at the gym, you often waste time trying to figure out how to use certain equipment and what to do when. A trainer can help you maximize your time and efforts so you can move on with your day.
Consistency: My weekly workout with the trainer was motivating because I planned my other sessions around the appointment. Knowing I had that standing appointment helped me stay consistent and keep up the momentum. When you workout alone you don’t always have the same mentality.
Safety: As mentioned above, a trainer’s education means they’re equipped to push you to your limits without endangering you. Sometimes when people work out on their own they do too much, too soon and too fast. This can be a recipe for injury.
Now that I’ve piqued your interest, contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation.