How to get back into a fitness routine


It can be easy to fall out of a routine, especially this time of year. Sometimes our fitness regimen takes a backseat to fun or hectic travel plans — and that’s OK temporarily. If you’re struggling with re-entry, you’re not alone. Here’s how you can get back in the saddle so to speak.

Take it slow. If you’re used to 4 or 5 workouts a week, maybe try 2 or 3 the first week back. You don’t want to risk injury or feeling discouraged by any regression. Taking it slow is better than not returning any day!

Find an incentive. Some people are motivated by rewards. Whether it’s a manicure, new pair of shoes or a new yoga mat, a (non-food) treat can be a way to encourage you to act.

Remember why you started. When you first set out to achieve a goal, you likely had a personal reason for making changes. Whether it’s being more fit for an upcoming vacation, playing with your kids or grandkids, reducing the risk of disease, everyone has a “why.” I find that when motivation is waning, it helps to revisit my intentions. (Side note: Don’t forget how far you’ve come either.)

You’ve got this!