We’ve all been there. It’s 4 p.m. on a Friday and your boss emails with a last-minute request. The dog needs to go out. And there’s dirty dishes piled up in the sink. Ugh...what’s a busy person to do? First, take a deep breath and acknowledge that this sh*it, too, shall pass. Then, turn to tried-and-true ways to relieve stress. (Self-care, we’re looking at you). Here are a few ideas:
Set your priorities
Craft a plan to reduce stress throughout the week. For instance, on Sunday nights, you might outline your goals for the week and build in pockets of joy. Determine your non-negotiables and do your best to stick to them.
Get outside your comfort zone
Trying something new can help burn off nervous energy. If you’re guilty of staying inside your head too much, channeling the day’s stressors into something productive can feel gratifying.
Tune out the world
Some people swear by meditation to recenter and refocus. Whether first thing in the morning or before you go to bed, what matters is that you do it. There’s no shortage of apps available to help guide you. I like to use Headspace to help me fall asleep.
Look to Mother Nature
Fresh air always helps me feel more grounded. And science tell us that nature therapy can calm the nervous system. As winter fades into spring, there are so many free ways to recreate and catch up with friends at the same time.
Break a sweat
Just like getting outside, workouts can help give you new perspective and even re-energize you. Whether it’s a quick HIIT session or a strength-training circuit, getting those feel-good hormones (endorphins) going will pay off in the form of a boost in mood.
What’s your favorite way to de-stress? I’d love to hear what works for you.