
Partner Spotlight: Megan Gurney

This blog is part of a series that will introduce you to Northeast Indiana health and wellness practitioners. This time, get to know the one and only Megan Gurney of Sigh of Relief. Full disclosure: I’m a client and love her approach and energy!

1) What inspired you to get into wellness?

I was diagnosed with a sensory issue and fibromyalgia in 2015. Basically, my skin hurt, noise hurt, seeing things move hurt… I was getting more and more massage because skin-to-skin contact didn’t hurt, there were no loud or sudden noises, the lights were dim, etc. It was one of the few places I felt pretty OK. After a particular session, I had an epiphany: maybe I should be having people pay to be with me in the room instead of paying to be in the room! I have my symptoms pretty well under control now, but giving massage is still therapeutic for me. So a big thanks to all my clients for helping me!

2) Who’s your ideal or typical client?

A partner! The best, most effective sessions are when clients are willing to communicate with me about their goals for the session and what they're experiencing on the table. It can be hard to speak up on the table, so I really appreciate the feedback. I’m never offended because someone wants a change in pressure, they don’t care for a new technique, or there’s referral pain when I touch a particular spot. Instead, I’ll be able to fine-tune the work and that’s going to make me really happy.

In terms of the work, I really enjoy either an acute problem that I can help resolve or becoming a regular part of someone’s pain management plan. Acute issues are very engaging – I may need to research what’s going on, get creative with positioning and combining techniques – it’s amazing to see someone turn their head or bend their knee without pain, sometimes for the first time in weeks. Some problems don’t have a solution. Massage can not fix arthritis or fibromyalgia, for example, but it can help. Building a relationship with someone over the long term, performing massage and somatic education to lower pain levels, and teaching self-care practices that can help them do the things they want to do is extremely rewarding.

3) What’s a common myth or misperception about massage you’d like to debunk?

I hate the idea of ‘No pain, no gain.’ Listen, massage is not a competition. There’s no ‘crying uncle’ in massage. A good therapeutic massage meets you where you are on a given day. Research shows anything over a 7 on a pain scale of 1-10 is no longer therapeutic. It’s just pain. Generally, I aim for a 5 and under, but it’s set by the client’s own perception of their body. I’m not judging anybody based on how much pressure they can take. I’m more interested in getting them off the table feeling awesome, not like they were hit by a truck.

4) How would you describe your motto or philosophy around massage?

I want people to feel comfortable in their bodies. Or at least as comfortable as they possibly can be. Sessions are always customized to each client for maximum comfort.

I have a few flying pigs around the office as my unofficial mascot, because sometimes it seems like it’s impossible to ever feel better. When pigs fly, as the saying goes. Well, I try to make the impossible happen, at least for the time people are in my office.

5) What do you like to do for fun?

Play Minecraft! I have been playing in the same survival world for about 4 years now. I also read a lot of webtoons and online novels. When I cook I like to make the food look pretty.

6) How can someone hire you?

Book me online here or call/text me at 260-267-6425. I do work on special populations such as minors (0-18yr) and pregnant women (including first trimester). Please feel free to call or text me if you have any questions about whether massage may be able to help you. Sigh of Relief is also a transgender safe space.

7) What’s a random fact about you?

I have a rabbit named Lawnmower. She is our queen and all her whims must be catered to. Luckily, she only demands chew toys and a daily massage.