Don't believe the hype: 5 myths about fitness


I encounter a lot of misinformation, half truths and misconceptions when it comes to fitness. * Sigh*

Here are a few of them:

Myth #1: Muscle weighs more than fat. FALSE! A pound is a pound. It’s just that a pound of muscle looks different than fat because it’s more dense. 

Myth #2: You have to do a lot of cardio to lose weight. FALSE! While I do advocate for certain types of cardio training, like HIIT, cardio is not the best approach to lean out. Strength training is the way to go for a whole host of reasons. See this post for the skinny.

Myth #3: I am sore from a workout so I should avoid the gym. Actually the best thing you can do between strength training session days is to stretch. Yoga is great!

Myth #4: Speaking of stretching, some people seem to think it’s overrated or unnecessary. FALSE! Stretching before and after your routine can help prevent injury. 

Myth #5: I’m not “doing it right” if I don’t leave the gym dripping in sweat. You guessed it...FALSE! While it’s good to exert yourself, you don’t need to kill yourself. The best workout is the one you enjoy — and look forward to. If you overdo it you risk injury and might not want to return.

Have a burning question about something fitness related? Feel free to comment and I will do my best to answer it!